


There have been attempts to understand the existence of gender stratification historically and across cultures. The long-drawn struggle of feminists fighting for access to certain spaces has been predominantly regarding their participation and occupying public spaces. Why is it important to redefine the concept of public spaces? What is the need for safe public space, and why is it necessary to claim public spaces for women and, thus, for the feminist movement to succeed? Some of the major themes this article engages with are the inseparability of knowledge and spaces, the connection between space and gender stratification, and notions around women’s access to certain spaces and within supposedly correct timing brackets.

Depicting Dementia: Representation of Cognitive Health and Illness in Select Animated Short Films

Depicting Dementia: Representation of Cognitive Health and Illness in Select Animated Short Films

Patients who have dementia are unable to remember events or happenings for more than a few moments at a time, resulting in them repeating their conversations, forgetting people’s faces, linguistic capabilities, etc. Unlike the popular notion, dementia affects the patient more than merely losing their immediate memory of things, events and people. At the onset, the patient may have difficulty navigating familiar environments like the supermarket or the park. Their attention span is also highly affected, with the patient zoning out of a conversation and merely staring into space mid-sentence.

The Popularity of India’s Cinema and the Role of Soft Power

The Popularity of India’s Cinema and the Role of Soft Power

Joseph Nye defined the concept of ‘Soft Power’ as the ability to obtain a preferred outcome by attraction rather than coercion or force. Thus, if a country aims to influence the choices of another country in contemporary times, it must take the route of co-option and seduction rather than threats and inducements.

Opportunities and Challenges of India’s G-20 Presidency

Opportunities and Challenges of India’s G-20 Presidency

As India has assumed the G-20 Presidency, the international political discourse and global agenda are going to see many new narratives – non-traditional issues, and of course, non-Western assertions.

India’s steady rise on the world stage is a better-late-than-never moment that many world powers, middle powers, and smaller nations expected and desired to happen, in the hope of a more balanced world order. Financially, India promises them a vast and demanding market; offers more non-prescriptive trade relations and investments to smaller nations; carries limited unilateral military and strategic ambitions, and gets along with both Western and non-Western blocs.

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Sri Lanka Under Liquidity Trap

Sri Lanka Under Liquidity Trap

Sri Lanka is currently reeling under severe inflation and foreign exchange crisis with falling foreign currency assets and the government’s inability to foot the bill for essential imports. Sri Lanka has seen an enormous capital flight of this short term capital which has triggered a massive selloff in its bond market and currency. The central bank sold dollars in the foreign exchange (forex) market to stabilize the sliding rupee.

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Lessons in Popular Resistance

Lessons in Popular Resistance

Over the past three months, the farmers of the country have shown excellent resolve and organisation against the unilateral moves of the central government. In Punjab, the ongoing agitation had begun in November 2020. Tractor rallies across the state were held and widely publicised. The central government at that time had not anticipated that it could pose a serious challenge to its credibility and prove difficult to resolve the disagreement. It was only when the farmers assembled at the borders of Delhi and demonstrated their might and determination that the government took any serious notice of the issue. On Tuesday, the protests entered Delhi and occupied the Red Fort area.

Seminar Report


Prophet Mohammad beyond Islamism: Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Juan Cole and Dr Shadi Hamid

Prophet Mohammad had many critics belonging to various religions and tribes. His teachings face several questions even today when the world has progressed well beyond his time. Many Muslims and non-Muslims are still exploring and rethinking the relevance and significance of Muhammad as a Prophet and a human being.

In an attempt to understand “Prophet Mohammad beyond Islamism,” the Centre for Studies of Plural Societies organised a discussion by Prof. Juan Cole, author of “Muhammad: Prophet of Peace amid the Clash of Empires” and Dr Shadi Hamid, Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution. The session was chaired by Dr Manindra Thakur, Associate Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.

Book Discussion on Born a Muslim: Some Truths About Islam in India by Ghazala Wahab

Centre for Studies of Plural Societies (CSPS) organised a book discussion on Born a Muslim: Some Truths About Islam in India on 3rd July 2022 at 4.00 PM (IST), authored by Ghazala Wahab.
Further in the discussion, Wahab highlighted the lack of participation in establishing institutions either of modern education or charitable organisations, working on modern transparent, trustworthy principles by the modern, educated, upwardly mobile Muslims. She believes that the opinions of modern people are inclusive in their outlook and conscious of the deliberate marginalisation of Muslims. However, they are discarded because the people within the community believe that modern, educated, upwardly mobile Muslims do not have any locus standi, which proved detrimental to the community. Regarding qualitative Muslim-minority educational institutions, Wahab related it to her experience living in Western Uttar Pradesh. The drive for education amongst the business families or the landed gentry is much less than families with a background or history of education, who are third or fourth-generation educated people in their homes because the former do not expect the children to seek employment outside the family businesses.


Social Media

Prof. Lila Abu-Lughod
Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Science
Department of Anthropology Columbia University

The work that CSPS does to promote informed scholarly discussion and debate on crucial issues plaguing our world is impressive. The questions raised at the forum I and my colleagues did with CSPS on our new book, The Cunning of Gender Violence, were thought-provoking and illuminating, giving us new perspectives on how the “Muslim Question” plays out in feminist policies.

Prof Thomas Pogge
Leitner Professor of Philosophy and Prof of Political Science
Yale University

Emphasising exploration and access, the Centre for Studies of Plural Societies is a precious contribution to advanced citizenship. In an era of rapid transformation for India and the world, it engages with competing perspectives of creative scholars in identifying and analysing the most important developments and decision points, including emerging technologies and ideologies, gender relations, group conflicts, and the use of force. In a period of rapid progress and extreme inequality in India, the Centre works hard to make its intellectual work widely accessible to all – from experts and policy makers to ordinary citizens with disparate educational backgrounds. The energy and enthusiasm of its faculty and staff presage a bright future for this young Centre.

Prof Neeti Nair
Professor of History
University of Virginia

The Centre for Studies of Plural Societies (CSPS) is a new and vibrant intellectual space for serious discussion on pluralism and secularism in India today. I was honored to discuss my book here, and greatly moved by the depth of engagement from the students, interns and faculty associated with the Centre. I wish the Centre the very best in its activities in the years to come.

Prof S Irfan Habib
Formerly Maulana Azad Chair
National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi

It was an honour to be at the vibrant CSPS and share views about my recent book on Maulana Azad. The research profile and other academic activities of the Centre are really impressive and diverse. Any centre of this nature needs to be supported and encouraged through all possible means available. It is a need of the times that the youth should be encouraged to question everything they inherit and not just follow it blindly. I am sure the Centre for the Studies of Plural Societies can play a major role in instilling this spirit among the young.

Dr Manan Ahmed
Associate Professor of History
Columbia University

The Centre for Studies of Plural Societies is doing significant work in reflecting and shaping awareness and dialogue across multiple publics in India. The excellence of their pedagogic mission is clear from their list of internationally renowned scholars from within and outside India who have participated in their programs. The significance of nurturing critical perspectives among young scholars cannot be overstated and CSPS demonstrates an exemplary commitment to this project.

Prof Sunil Mukhi
Honorary Professor Emeritus and Raja Ramanna Chair
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune

I had the pleasure of delivering a talk on Academic Ethics at the Centre for Studies of Plural Societies on 24th August 2023 over video link. I found the audience to be attentive and involved. As a result, there was a lot of ensuing discussion where audience members raised very pertinent and interesting questions. The meeting was organised well and I enjoyed interacting with the Institute’s leadership.

Dr Shakila T Shamsu
Educationist & Policy Maker

I would like to congratulate the Centre for Studies of Plural Societies (CSPS) for its sustained work to address the complexities of plural societies. CSPS provides a vital platform for scholars and participants to engage meaningfully with the multifaceted challenges and opportunities inherent in pluralistic societies. Through its diverse array of activities, including insightful book discussions, rigorous workshops, and engaging citizen dialogues, it encourages intellectual rigor, dialogue, and inclusive scholarship.

CSPS’s unwavering commitment to gender inclusivity and empowerment is noteworthy. Its expansion through the Aligarh Chapter, and strategic collaborations with esteemed institutions underscores its efforts to broaden its reach and impact.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to engage with CSPS and contribute, in my own small way, to its inspiring mission of fostering dialogue, understanding, and impactful interventions in our plural societies.

Dr Laurence Gautier
Head Researcher
History, Politics and Society
Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH Delhi)

It was a great pleasure to participate in several book discussions at CSPS. The Centre offers a vibrant platform for both students and scholars to discuss new research works that resonate directly with contemporary debates. One cannot stress enough how important this type of platform is to encourage the circulation and the confrontation of ideas in a plural society. I particularly enjoyed the format of the sessions, that leaves plenty of time both for the presentations and for in-depth discussion with everyone in the room. I also congratulate the Centre for undertaking a range of initiatives aimed directly at students, such as book discussions and research workshops. These are critical initiatives to help students hone their skills and grow as independent minds and future research scholars.